> > > >       Star of David [an occult symbol]
> > > > 
> > > -------------------------------
> > > 
> > > Does anyone think there is any truth or any significance to any of the 
> > > weirdness contained in the links that accompanied rod/christine's  
> > > message? 
> > > 
> > > 
> > 
> > I agree with you, Al. (don't fall of the chair). As an ateist (atheism = 
> > absence of religion) I get very sorry when I see this kind of mix of 
> > myth, fairytale and some historical facts. It's of no value, but is a 
> > very storng tool in creating "tribes". What it can do we all can see 
> > those days in the middle east. It locks up peoples thinking to certain 
> > patterns for no reason at all as there is only value in the few 
> > historical facts that is mixt in the storys in order to make it seem 
> > important and real. It's still fiction and fairytails.
> > 
> > Claes
> > §( :8-)
> >------------------------------------
> I can't look at life around me and at human history and believe that 
> there is not a purpose and an intelligence far greater than man's that 
> is being expressed in all of it. However, I do not accept the specific 
> beliefs of any religion that I've ever learned of, and years ago I spent 
> some time looking into most of them. It was interesting but not 
> satisfying. I certainly reject the nonsense contained in the post from 
> "rod/christine" that moved me to ask what others thought of it. That 
> stuff is crazy. People have a right to believe and say anything they 
> wish to. We have an equal right to say what we think of it. Maybe we 
> even have something of an obligation to express ourselves when we run 
> across something so completely nutty.
> Al Winslow

I do think that we have a general obligation to meet arguments of that kind and take 
them down in order to stop other people to spend time and effort spreading this. It's 

But unlike you I have found no reason to think that there must be any intelligence or 
any other entity that is resposible for that life of all those different beings on 
this planet excist. The DNA has been responsible for the development via the evolution 
and lots and lots of time. We are all, every kind of lifeform on earth, at the mercy 
of the experimenting DNA molecule. Darwin explained that a long time ago. Now that 
insight is of course not enough for most people (witch is the reason for that this 
nonsence of creation is still spread. They would like to think that we humans have 
been created for a special reason and with a special purpose that makes them feel more 
important. We, a lifform on a small planet that rotates around a small yellow midget 
sun in the outskirt of one of billion galaxies - the milky way. They also want to 
think that there is more. As humans we realise that life has not only a start, it has 
unfortunatelly also an end. That's for sure.

Common for all religions is the comfort that they tell the story of a life after death 
in one form or another, but usually only for those that beleive in the right faith - 
all of them. In my mind this is diception in order for the priests to be able to keep 
their flock around them. Big organisations have been created for this pupose and for 
collecting fortunes.

A person - any person- cought in a religion is not free in his or hers mind. It's 
locked up In some religions they are severly punished if they would dare to express 
any doubt in the priests explanations. The tribe kills him or her that dare to express 
any other idea or question than what is given as a religious rule.

Look at all the places where unrest is going on and you will find that there are 
always a part of religious war going on. And for what? As there are no such thins as a 
god nor satan nor heaven nor hell. It's invented for religious reasons, so are people 
not mad? Yes they are and with their thinking locked up.

Claes Persson
§( :8-)

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