In a message dated 5/9/02 2:32:32 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

As I was considdered arrogant as I could see that arguing with religious people is impossible, beacuse they are not free in their minds, I will now try to explain how that is a result of their religious thinking. Then you decide where this arrogance is situated.

A. Arguing with religious people (I assume you mean me) is NOT impossible. I'm too open-minded. But I'm NOT going to blindly accept something as true, when I know there is no real proof, just suppositions and assumptions. I may not be able to Prove that the things in the Bible Are true, but by the same token, You Can't Prove that they Aren't.

What you seem incapable of realizing is you are just as set in your worshiping of Science as you accuse me of being in my worship of God.  You insist that science is the end-all and know-all of everything, and that any opinion or theory that contradicts science in any way, shape or form is wrong, flawed and just basically a waste of time.  And that's why you were called arrogant.

While I have a basic belief in a higher power, I acknowledge that ancient man, in his zeal, may have easily misinterpreted what he saw. These were simple people. How could they possibly explain a comet, or an eclipse, or an earthquake ... or a UFO for that matter.  But as Al said ... If you have a watch in your hand -- somewhere there exists a watchmaker ... that's just common sense.

Yet you constantly hear scientists ... speaking with all this authority -- like they were there when it happened. And that is arrogance too.  They can look at the clues and make educated guesses ... but they don't "know". And unless someone invents a time machine that works, they'll never know for sure.

Things that are happening now, scientists can speak to with authority, because they can see it, study it and learn from it. But that does NOT apply to the past. You always seem to forget that it's called the "THEORY" of Evolution -- NOT the Fact. Most scientists think that's the way it happened, but they don't really know. Again, they're just primitive men trying to explain something they don't understand!


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