james gale wrote to Luwana:
> And you need a refresher course in courtesy. Claus is a Danish gentleman 
> I believe and is doing a great job presenting complex ideas in a 
> language foreign to him . Perhaps you should reply to him in Danish Jim
I don't think it was very gentlemanly of Claes to practically say Luwana 
is ignorant because she thinks that there's an unseen purpose expressed 
in the universe of which we are members. He sort of asked for some 
retaliation. I share Luwana's sense of awe when I look around me. Every 
ordinary moment of life is an inexplicable miracle. Those who don't 
share these perceptions are free to denigrate them, but it shouldn't 
surprise anyone when they recieve as good as they get. I will grant you 
that it's something of a feat to discuss such things in a language that 
you didn't grow up speaking every day. -- AW

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