----- Original Message ----- 
From: rod/christine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, May 12, 2002 8:50 PM
Subject: RE: {W&P} SV: Survival of the Fittest

> Claes Persson wrote:
> >   ----- Original Message ----- 
> >   From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> >   Sent: Saturday, May 11, 2002 10:48 PM
> >   Subject: Re: {W&P} Survival of the Fittest
> > 
> > 
> >   In a message dated 5/11/02 2:19:43 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 
> >   [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> > 
> > 
> >     Many of the different spicies evolved has not survived, only the fittest 
> >     and those that are best adapted to live on, or to keep themselves alive.
> > 
> > 
> >   =====
> >   That being said ... is it not wrong, then, to try so hard to keep 
> >   species alive that are not able to adapt and survive on their own? If we 
> >   do, are we not going against Mother Nature and upsetting the natural 
> >   order of things?
> > 
> >   Lawana
> > 
> > 
> >   That, Lawana, depends on the reason for that specie having problems to 
> >   survive. Humans can not, as they are too dominent, be considdered just 
> >   beeing a part of the natural order. Rather as a cancer to this planet.
> > 
> >   To protect spicies of fish as they otherwise will be extinct beacuse of 
> >   humans very effective fishingmachines is a demand that has to be met or 
> >   it's we that change the natural order. If nothing ever is done, nothing 
> >   but humans will remain. That's not enough for having a living planet. A 
> >   balance in order to not interfere in the natural order is needed also to 
> >   ensure human survival.
> > 
> >   Claes
> >   §( :8-)
> Well said, Claes.  I was expecting some logical responses from you on 
> this topic, and your replies confirm my suspicions... that you are the 
> normal one on this List.
> Seems... everyone needs a photocopy of this or that and not realizing 
> that the finished paper, pulp, tree, soil, water, sunshine have got to 
> come from somewhere.  Sumatra (plus neighboring isles of Indonesia) is 
> being deforested to feed the appetites of Japan and China.  Europe and 
> the USA deforest the Cameroon and French Guyana and Brazilian rain 
> forests for their paper appetites.
> For every Sunday Edition of USA newspapers, 500,000 trees are felled and 
> only 150,000 are replaced.  We can thank the Hearst Family for this 
> contribution to the Resource Deficit of divide-and-conquer.
> The Hemp Plant is the natural answer, and is a renewable resource, and 
> high-paying jobs would be the net result.  Farmers would have a 
> $200-per-acre payout after taxes, the tractors would run on hemp-fuel 
> (non-polluting) and too boot, the tractor would be made from hemp fiber, 
> for the most part.  Remember, Henry Ford, constructed a car made from 
> hemp fibers.
> In the olden days, pre-1937, hemp fiber was the wave of the future... 
> until Mr. Randolph Hearst decided/mandated that His Newspapers would be 
> printed from Tree Pulp and Not from Hemp Pulp.  Millions of jobs could 
> be had from Hemp Production (plant-based), but this would require the 
> Government to rescind the War On Drugs, namely Marijuana (Hemp Cousin) 
> to bring about the Sea-Change necessary.
> And me thinks this is doubtful, considering the Democrat and Republican 
> Party politics playing-off against one another.  Both political parties 
> are rotten and nothing will change as long as no 3rd Party organizes and 
> presents a competent Offense to the American people, whom I consider to 
> be, near brain-dead and ultimately -- spoiled.
> America has no Courageous Leaders at the present, and this will, in my 
> estimation, lead to a Dictatorship of the Right.  'Democracy' is 
> wonderful sounding... all have lead the common people down the road to 
> "me first" and "your vote counts" and such noble talk that translates 
> into..."Trust Government" -- they will do the thinking for you.
> Corporate sponsorship of Presidential Debates determines who gets "in" 
> and who, Ralph Nader and Patrick Buchanan and lesser Schleps, remain on 
> the "out"-side looking in.
> Thanks Claes, for the Common-Sense approach, To Preserve and Protect the 
> Environment from all Enemies, Foreign and Domestic.
> Regards,
> Rod

--I think that you, Rod, has the correct aproach to the problem and I must point out 
that your comments about the logging, the lack of democracy (corporate ruling instead, 
witch is the reason for scrapping the Kyoto agreement from USA side) and how to solv 
the problems are worth to work for.

However, one thing must be solved first. The medical plants should set in all 
resourses to create a new medicine that I think is needed first in order to make the 
change. A PILL AGAINST STUPIDITY. Without such a pill beeing spread globally and for 
free I'm afraid that, for you and me, it's like fighting windmills. The giant 
corporate driven wings just keep turning. Like the corporate wings were unable to stop 
the robbing of the fishingbanks outside New Foundland. With arguments for saving jobbs 
(when it really was a question of saving profits of shipbuilding, loans to the 
fishermen to buy those expensive trawlers and so on) they went on vacuumcleaning the 
fishingbanks and to day?

In the harbours lies those trawlers rusting. There is no fish to catch. It's extinct. 
For natural reasons? No. For very unnatural reasons. The human pirates has been at 
work there and nothing remains.


About logging:

Once the whole of Europe was covered by giant forrests. Some remains: In Germany 
Schwartzwald. In France and Belgium the forrests in the Ardenns, in Poland a vast 
wilderness in the east, but the most of the landscape aroud the mediterrainian is just 
grassland where once woods were growing. In many of the poorer countrys the need for 
the inhabitants to cook has resulted in that the forrests has gone including that the 
roots had been dug up to be used the same way. The logging goes on in other, less 
populated areas where no planting to support the continuing of forestland takes place 
at all.


About oil:

There is now enough facts, I think, to say that the climate is getting warmer. The 
reason is under debate, but it's still a good guess that the burning of fossil fuel 
has, at least, a great deal in this fact. So organisations has understood that a good 
thing would be to reduce those gases that build the greenhouseeffect. What happens? A 
country with 6% of the inhabitants of the earth and that stands for 25% of the 
pollution decides no to participate! The reason? It's corporations risk to make less 


Claes Persson
§( :8-)

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