Claes Persson wrote:
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: Al Winslow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2002 2:15 PM
> Subject: RE: {W&P} SV: East Timor's "independence": illusion and reality
> Al Winslow wrote:
> > 
> > Okay. Leave the oil and gas in the ground. A lot of good it will do the 
> > people of East Timor in the ground.
> --So you mean that either the corporations get it all or they will do 
> nothing? Could those that own the oil as it is on their ground (even if 
> it's in the sea) have a FAIR deal?
> > 
> > Is it some religious belief that causes you to think an oil company 
> > should go risk its wealth to explore for oil without trying to make  the 
> > 
> > maximum profit?
> --I'm not religious. I have no God, but those corporations have. More to 
> day than ever before. His name is MAMMON.
> > Feel free to start an oil drilling operation that doesn't seek profit, 
> > if you like. There's no grounds for expecting the shareholders of 
> > existing profit-seeking coporations to do the same. We don't all have 
> > your religious fervor for charity work.
> --Again you talk about all or nothing and the fear that the shareholders 
> will starve if the corporations is not handed all for free. How about 
> shareholders that let their religious interrest of the God MAMMON 
> deminish a little in favor of humans? Maybe those poor souls in Timor 
> some day can have at least a fraction of the wealth that the Quatarians 
> possess. Something for all the colonizing and warfare they have had to 
> go thru. Would that be too much to ask?
> Claes P

Business -- and life -- works this way:

You make an offer. The other party makes a counter-offer. Bargaining 

After a bit of negotiation, a deal is struck. Everybody gets what the 
traffic will bear.

Don't blame me if reality offends you. I didn't create the universe.



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