Well well well, now Als crazy and not 12 hours ago you were telling us it
was OK by you if the whole country was nuked. No qualifying about low yield
and 8-10. You want the big fasool.

 You go on and on about the poor people  " How many innocents will it take
to make you "feel"  secure with your
> Glocks and AR-15's?"

How many Americans will have to be immolated by your Nukes to make you feel
comfortable that all your perceived injustices are rectified?

Waving the "flag" (made in china like everything else) works only so
> long and bombing (nukes?) homelands, as you suggested, will carry you
> only so far.  Eventually, the wrld will tire of this "democracy" (once a
> constitutional republic) ad toss us on the ash heap of history.

 History suggests that you may be right Governments do not necessarily
endure for long periods of time but if that happens you will have played a
part in it. You are not preaching dissent you are advocating the destruction
of our way of life. It wont be in your miserable lifetime but what do you
think will replace it and will it be a step for the better? You are making
full use of your amendment rights to free speech. If you had written what
you had written earlier today in your great Red China you would be in jail
right now So be careful of your predictions they may come true.

 8-10 Tomahawk "low-yield" nukes - how kind of you - send an e-mail to
> the children and old women you will be radiating.  American homeland,
> Palestinian homeland, Korean homeland, Canadian homeland, Brazilian
> homeland.
> Crazy.> > I wouldn't blame the rest of the world - if they "ganged up" on
the USA,
> >
> >
> > and bombed (nuked?) them back to the Stone Age - seriously.

 At least you signed your appropriate name on this one. And your jumping on
Al about a few tomahawks and you advocated the same thing but on a national
scale. You notice the seriously on the end? That negates your just kidding ,
didn't really mean it email You will worry about the old men and women and
children but advocate the nuclear extermination of you country Boy are you a
case. So much for your gene pool Jim

----- Original Message -----
From: "rod/christine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, June 24, 2002 10:50 PM
Subject: {W&P} RE:[8-10 Nuke Tomahawks] Terror, Terror Everywhere...

> Al Winslow wrote:
> >
> >
> > james gale wrote:
> > > If we had been in condition yellow on 911 would that have stopped the
> > > hijackings? A case can be made that it would not.
> > -----------------------
> >
> > It would have depended on exactly what security measures in airports
> > accompamied the condition yellow.
> >
> > If we were doing what we are doing now -- taking the pilot's toenail
> > clippers away from him and frisking little old WASP ladies from Topeka
> > -- it probably would not have done any good.
> >
> > If we had been doing things more like the Israelis do it is highly
> > probable that we might have intercepted the terrorists in one or more of
> >
> > the hijackings before they boarded.
> >
> > I heard a very telling quote from an Israeli security expert this
> > morning. He said the problem the Americans have is that they are only
> > looking for weapons among air travelers while the Israelis are looking
> > for terrorists.
> >
> > In other words, the Israelis haven't tied their own hands with Political
> >
> > Correctness and they are perfectly willng to use "profiling" and aren't
> > afraid of hurting someone's feelings.
> >
> > If someone doesn't look right to an Israeli screener he does not get on
> > the plane.
> >
> > But when I mentioned condition yellow I wasn't talking exclusively about
> >
> > Muslim terrorists and airline security.
> >
> > There are plenty of homegrown crazies on the streets. Anyone who walks
> > around thinking he is in the land of sweetness and love hasn't sat in a
> > courtroom and watched dangerous thugs get light slap-on-the-wrist
> > sentences only to return to the streets looking for more victims.
> >
> > I don't advocate fearful paranoia, but you have to be security conscious
> >
> > and just a little bit on your toes. We don't live in a jungle, but we do
> >
> > live in a society in which you never know what might turn up at your
> > door -- or next to you when you go to the ATM for a little cash.
> >
> > The police will arrive to listen to your tale of woe AFTER you have been
> >
> > stabbed or conked on the head. Your life and your safety and that of
> > your family and home are your own responsibiity.
> >
> > But back to the Muslim crazies --  9/11 made me _extremely_ angry and
> > vengeful. It didn't frighten me. The bombing of the USS Cole made me
> > just as angry and vengeful. Now, after 9/11, I have more company.
> >
> > I'm a bit dissaponted that we haven't gone after terrorists with the
> > terrible violence of which we are capable in more places. I think
> > there'll have to be more awful things done to us before we really take
> > the gloves off and get down to the kind of serious, massive killing we
> > will eventually have to do. The Bakaa Valley in Lebanon is as infested
> > with terrorist camps as Afghanistan was. Eight or ten well placed
> > Tomahawk missiles armed with low-yield nuclear weapons could clean up a
> > large part of our problem in minutes.
> ===
> Since Jim refused to continue the thread, I will.
> Your last sentence - are you serious?  How kind of you - "low-yield" to
> _clean up_ (sweep-sweep) who?
> How many innocents will it take to make you "feel"  secure with your
> Glocks and AR-15's?
> How far are you willing to take "our problem"?
> To North Korea - who are supplying the Palestinians.  Yet, you suggest,
> to feed them because they are starving, and putting American Soldiers in
> harms way to boot!
> Marxist Red China - who is supplying the Palestinians with arms.  Who is
> scarier - 5 million homeless Palestinians... or 1.3 billion Red Chinese?
> Sounds good, throwing your weight around all these ticky-tack peasants.
> How about taking on Red China?
> Waving the "flag" (made in china like everything else) works only so
> long and bombing (nukes?) homelands, as you suggested, will carry you
> only so far.  Eventually, the wrld will tire of this "democracy" (once a
> constitutional republic) ad toss us on the ash heap of history.
> So when you are drivin' around with Gordon Kahl in your hip pocket,
> remember this, Kahl died in Arkansas while Clinton was Governor.  But
> then, you probably watched the "sanitized version" on the boob tube
> mainstream media, huh?
> Since this is a war and politics themed listserv - i'll send a URL of
> what REALLY happened to Gordon Kahl.  This fellow had more guns & ammo,
> than you'll ever be able to talk about.
> I am proud to have been a friend of Gordon Kahl - he is not what was
> portrayed of him.  A WW2 veteran who shot down a couple American
> fighters in the South Pacific when the fighters were attacking their
> B-24.
> Your very language betrays you, Al, taking sides in the Middle East
> Snafu - you have been reigned in by the Dems and Repubs.
> 8-10 Tomahawk "low-yield" nukes - how kind of you - send an e-mail to
> the children and old women you will be radiating.  American homeland,
> Palestinian homeland, Korean homeland, Canadian homeland, Brazilian
> homeland.
> Crazy.
> .
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