--- Claes Persson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ----- 

> > > That behavior, to force the others to bend to
> their will, is the 
> > > religious peoples speciality. Go around, call on
> doors and want to 
> > > explain how good it's to follow their
> superstition - or including the 
> > > religious superstition in words and phrases and
> thereby force non 
> > > superstitious people to use words and phrases
> they don't beleive in and 
> > > realize is fantasies. That is really to impose
> their faith on others.
> > > 
> > > When some in the "bible-belt" are pressing for
> excluding knowledege 
> > > about the evolution - only letting the kids know
> about the superstitios 
> > > peoples explanation of how the world works.
> They, the religious people, 
> > > are the completely intolerant totalitarians. Not
> better in this aspect 
> > > than mullahs and other religious people "that
> know best" and want to 
> > > force their fellow citizens to behave in their
> model as that 
> > > superstition or the other superstition is the
> "true superstition". Hell 
> > > Odin, Thor and the other nordic Gods! Or some
> mexican Gods?
> > > 
> > > Claes
> > > §( :8-)
> > >  ---------------------------
> > 
> > Kids in US schools who do not wish to participate
> in reciting the Pledge 
> > of Allegiance are not forced to do so.
> > 
> > Athists would like to deprive the other kids from
> having the opportunity 
> > to perform that innocent ritual with the words
> "under God" in it.
> > 
> > The answer to the question of which side is
> narrow-minded and 
> > totalitarian is quite clear.
> > 
> It's clear that the narrow-minded are the religious
> ones. Keep the religion in the churches where it
> belongs and let others be free of superstition.

The important point to this American is the
application of constitutional procedures. Our
constitution is the foundation of our legal system and
the guarantee of our freedom. The 9th Circuit Court
judges who declared the Pledge with the words "under
God" in it to be unconstitutional were almost
certainly incorrect in their understanding of the
First Amendment. If they can fool around with one part
of the Bill of rights ,like that they can fool around
with all of them. The third judge on the panel had it
right. If the full 11-judge panel re-hears the case or
if it goes to the Supreme Court I've no doubt that the
matter will be properly disposed of. The 9th Circuit
court is the most frequently reversed appeals court in
the federal court system.

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