Maybe this could explain a little about what way USA is going? Claes §( :8-)
Message: 1
   Date: Mon, 1 Jul 2002 19:38:31 -0600
   From: "Paul Tifford" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ICC


Dear President:

I am deeply concerned by reports that the United States is
seeking United Nations Security Council resolutions to
exempt U.N. peacekeepers from the jurisdiction of any
international tribunal, including the International Criminal
Court (ICC) and the International Criminal Tribunal for the
former Yugoslavia (ICTY), as well as any national court
other than their own.  Such actions undermine the integrity
and future of international justice and the ability to
enforce international standards of human rights.

The Rome Statute of the ICC already contains ample
safeguards that would protect any United States troops
against politically motivated or frivolous prosecutions.
These include an independent Prosecutor elected by the State
parties.  The Prosecutor will need authorization from a
panel of judges before starting an investigation.  The UN
Security Council has the authority to defer any
investigation.  The ICC will only act if national courts are
unable or unwilling to take action.

If the Security Council were, in effect, able to amend ICC
jurisdiction simply by adopting a resolution, it would set a
dangerous precedent allowing for future amendments of the
Rome Statute and possibly other international treaties by
means that circumvent the process and safeguards provided in
each treaty.  Amending the Rome Statute is the sole right of
States parties to the treaty.

I also oppose the proposed changes to the well-established
jurisdiction of the International Criminal Tribunal for the
former Yugoslavia, and any attempts to limit the
jurisdiction of national courts over war crimes, crimes
against humanity, or genocide committed by peacekeepers or
anyone else.

 I urge you to ensure that the United States does not lead
the way in eroding international justice.


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