> "There is a reason behind the movement to strike the words 'under God' 
> from 
> the Pledge of Allegiance -- and from our national customs, and our 
> currency, 
> and our public ceremonies. 
> It has very little to do with atheism. It has a great deal to do with 
> authoritarianism....
> They [the radical Left] abhor the words 'under God' because these words 
> stand 
> in the way of an all-powerful state. The French and American revolutions 
> were 
> waged on precisely the same declared rights of liberty and equality. One 
> was 
> a ghastly failure that ended in the reign of terror; the other, a 
> magnificent 
> success. Why? 
> In the philosophy of the French Revolution, the rights of man were 
> defined by 
> a governmental committee and extended at the sufferance of that 
> government. 
> In the American view, these rights come from God, their existence is 
> preeminent and their preservation is the principal object of government. 
> If the source of our fundamental rights is not God, then the source 
> becomes 
> man -- or more precisely, a government of men. And rights that can be 
> extended by government may also be withdrawn by government. Words 
> matter. 
> Ideas matter. And symbols matter. 
> The public furor fomented by the Ninth Circuit Court over the Pledge of 
> Allegiance must not be devalued as a mere defense of harmless deistic 
> references and quaint old customs. The principle at stake is central to 
> the 
> very foundation of the American nation and the very survival of its 
> freedoms." 
> --California State Senator Tom McClintock

Our constitutional system was designed to protect minority opinions and 
rights. the Founding Fathers wanted to be sure there was no tyranny by 
the majority.

The pendulum has swung too far. We now have minority opinions being 
rammed down the throats of the majority.

the 9th Circuit's crazy opinion on the Pledge is but the latest 
manifestation of the problem.


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