Claes Persson wrote:

> How can incometax be considdered so wrong. It's the normal way of paying 
> tax in the rest of the western world?
> Claes

I wouldn't have much objection to an income tax if a few permanent 
changes were made in the particular tax laws and governmental programs 
that apply here in the USA.

First, the government should stop wasting money on things that private 
enterprise can do so much more efficiently.

Then, the tax itself should be very, very simplified and uniform. A flat 
percentage across the board for all income levels with no deductions or 

The tax law I would write would only exempt the first several thousand 
dollars an individual earned in a year. Above that amount all income of 
all people would be taxed at the same rate, period.

That's if there has to be an income tax at all. I would much prefer a 
sales  or value-added tax instead of an income tax. Unfortunately that's 
not a realistic prospect, politically.

In the USA we are taxed at several levels. The federal government has a 
very complicated and unfair income tax. Many of the 50 states also have 
an income tax. My state, Virginia, has an income tax. Then there are 
sales taxes, property taxes and various other fees and charges for 
government services.

Added all together we are very heavily taxed, but some people are 
burdened much more severely than others. It's a patchwork that has grown 
over the years and it needs a remake from top-to-bottom.

It definitely is in accordance with our Constitution, however. The US 
Constitution is the supreme law of the land and once it is amended, as 
in the case of the income tax amendment, it is as legal and inescapable 
as anything an possibly be in this county.


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