On Thu, 15 Feb 2007 07:46:46 -0500 The Watermelon 
>I am trying to replace those opengl immediate mode stuff glBegin() 
>glEnd() with faster equivalent Vertex Buffer Object and Vertex 
>I replaced the pie_polygon function's glBegin and glEnd for vertex 
>with more
>than 2 vertices(triangle or polygon,since point and line should be 
>fine with
>glBegin and glEnd imo) with vertex array,seems there is some 
>gains with vertex array for polygon and terrain triangle 
>primitives drawing.
>Replaced immediate mode in drawShadow with vertex buffer object 
>and vertex
>array(based on vbo extension availability test result),but vbo 
>failed rather
>miserably,with VBO the shadows became alot slower than either old 
>mode or vertex array,I guess VBO is not suitable for a RTS game 
>with tons of
>dynamic entities with individual modelview and coords,which makes 
>impossible to map/unmap and update vbo data in gpu mem on the fly.
>btw I looked at the original 1.10 source(80mb...),seems the old 
>source has
>CPU 3d extension support like amd 3dnow! for vertex pre-processing 
>and mmx
>for d3d render,and a bsp routine to eliminate the backface vertex 
>such,wondering why they were removed...

Would not displaylists be better for this game?
I am not sure but I think I read it was noid and rodzilla who 
ported the d3d stuff to openGL.  
They have lots of #ifdef BSPIMD for bsp stuff, but does not look 
like they used it?
The 3dnow/mmx stuff had fallback rotutine to normal, and I am sure 
they pick this route for ease of readability, and not x86 asm code.

This game now pushes 2x as much data for bit depth alone, then we 
have bigger textures.  This why old game was faster.

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