Am Sonntag, 25. Februar 2007 schrieb Per Inge Mathisen:
> I miss some documentation for the recently added exception handler.
> Most importantly, how can I read the binary dump file?
>   - Per
> PS Why not dump it as a text file?
For Linux that's possible... Only problem is that printf and it's derivates 
(which are probably needed to do properly formated output) are not in the 
list of signal safe functions. But then, fwrite is not listed there, either.
I think we need to find out which functions are safe to use. Those are in 
general functions which not use malloc.

I didn't do this yet, because backtrace_symbols(_fd) doesn't give more usefull 
output than backtrace until you compile with -rdynamic.

For reading these binary blobs you need to tool I sent a while ago. I attached 
it again.

The Windows minidumps can be examined using the MSVC debugger, the Windows 
debugger windbg 
( or the 
Wine debugger winedbg.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <execinfo.h>
#include <sys/utsname.h>

uint32_t gdmpFormatVersion = 1;

int main(int argc, char * argv[])
	void * btBuffer[128];
	struct utsname sysInfo;
	char * programName = NULL, * programVersion = NULL;
	uint32_t btSize = 0, programNameSize = 0, programVersionSize = 0, signum = NSIG, validUname = 0, gdmpVersion = 0;
	uint32_t sizeOfVoidP = 0, sizeOfUtsname = 0, sizeOfChar = 0;

	if (argc != 3)
		printf("USAGE: %s <dumpfile> <binary>\n", argv[0]);
		return EXIT_FAILURE;

	char * dumpFileName = argv[1], addr2line[10000] = {'\0'};
	sprintf( addr2line, "addr2line -e %s ", argv[2]);
	uint32_t addr2lineCommandLength = strlen(addr2line);

	FILE * dumpFile = fopen(dumpFileName, "r");
	if (!dumpFile)
		printf("Could not open %s\n", dumpFileName);
		return EXIT_FAILURE;

	fread(&gdmpVersion, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, dumpFile);
	if (gdmpVersion != gdmpFormatVersion)
		printf("Unsupported gdmp version! Got: %u Expected: %u\n", gdmpVersion, gdmpFormatVersion);
		return 1;

    fread(&sizeOfChar, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, dumpFile);
    fread(&sizeOfVoidP, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, dumpFile);
    fread(&sizeOfUtsname, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, dumpFile);

    fread(&validUname, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, dumpFile);
    fread(&sysInfo, sizeOfUtsname, 1, dumpFile);

    fread(&programNameSize, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, dumpFile);
	programName = malloc(programNameSize*sizeOfChar);
    fread(programName, sizeOfChar, programNameSize, dumpFile);
    fread(&programVersionSize, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, dumpFile);
	programVersion = malloc(programVersionSize*sizeOfChar);
    fread(programVersion, sizeOfChar, programVersionSize, dumpFile);

    fread(&signum, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, dumpFile);

    fread(&btSize, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, dumpFile);
    fread(&btBuffer, sizeOfVoidP, btSize, dumpFile);


	printf("Examining version %u gdmp...\n\n", gdmpVersion);

	printf("Program name: %s\n", programName);
	printf("Version: %s\n\n", programVersion);

	if (!validUname)
		printf("System information may be invalid!\n");

	printf("Operating system: %s\n", sysInfo.sysname);
	printf("Node name: %s\n", sysInfo.nodename);
	printf("Release: %s\n", sysInfo.release);
	printf("Version: %s\n", sysInfo.version);
	printf("Machine: %s\n", sysInfo.machine);

	printf("\nDump caused by signal: ");

		case SIGFPE:
			printf("SIGFPE, Floating point exception\n");
		case SIGILL:
			printf("SIGILL, Illegal instruction\n");
		case SIGSEGV:
			printf("SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault\n");
		case SIGBUS:
			printf("SIGBUS, Bus error\n");
		case SIGABRT:
			printf("SIGABRT, Abort\n");
		case SIGTRAP:
			printf("SIGTRAP, Debugger trap\n");
		case SIGSYS:
			printf("SIGSYS, Bad system call\n");
			printf("Unknown signal\n");


	int i;
	for(i = 0; i < btSize; i++)
		printf("%#16x\n", btBuffer[i]);
		sprintf(addr2line + addr2lineCommandLength + i*16, "%16x", btBuffer[i]);

	printf("\nAt lines:\n");


	return 0;

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