Giel van Schijndel wrote:
> Gerard Krol schreef:
>> Author: gerard_
>> Date: Sat Apr  7 15:23:14 2007
>> New Revision: 1032
>> ...
>> 4. Commented out some unused sound code. I just love Valgrind :)
> There's no need to comment out code, in fact it probably is better to
> simply remove it. If we or anyone ever need that code back, then
> Subversion can retrieve it.
> Reverse difference merging of a revision can do it for example: `svn
> merge -r500:499` will reverse all changes made in revision 500 and apply
> them to your local working copy. So as long as you make a note of what
> it is you removed in your commit log it should be fine.
> Cluttering the codebase with commented out code probably is worse than
> ever needing to track down a revision in which some part of code was
> removed.
Fine, I'll remove it then.
> Plus your way of commenting out code (#if 0;#endif) isn't very easy to
> spot and recognize as disabled code.
This is the recommended way to comment out code though. /* */ don't 
properly nest.

- Gerard

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