On 4/17/07, Ari Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> One thought I had was whether or not to create a branch for the Mac
> port.

I really would not recommend this. It is a lot of work. It gives
people the wrong impression.

>  It's not that much stuff to integrate into the main trunk, the
> real concern is just that future changes in the code won't get
> reflected right away in the Xcode project file.  This would mainly
> come up if we added files or changed the minimum version of an
> external library that we depend on.

CMake would solve this. But I am repeating myself...

> The next (and I think the only remaining) step will be to get network
> play working, both between Macs and from Mac to Linux or Windows.
> Then I can finally play against you guys. :)

Neat :-)

  - Per

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