There has been some talk about making an official roadmap, but nothing
has come out of it, so let me kick off the debate by making a

2.1 - The multiplayer release (Xmas 2007)
 * Fully working multiplayer between all three OSes, two endians and
two bitsizes.
 * Disconnected clients can reconnect feature.
 * Campaign works.
 * Variable size connectors to make multiturret droids look ok.

2.2 - The tools and content release (June 2008)
 * Working and fully usable world editor and pie importers.
 * Upgraded tilesets and models.
 * New and upgraded maps.
 * A well defined, future-proof savegame format.
 * Improve path-finding.
 * Other stuff

2.3 - The campaign restoration release (Xmas 2008)
 * Replace missing FMVs with something else.
 * Allowing playing campaign as multiplayer.
 * Other stuff

3.0 - The rewrite everything release (April 1st 2009)
 * Become the best RTS ever
 * New campaign
 * New, custom made graphics engine
 * Incorporate alien technology from Roswell
 * ...

I think we need at least a 3 months beta period before every release,
at which point the trunk must be branched off and feature-frozen. That
means 2.1 needs to be feature complete between September/October.

What do you all think?

  - Per

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