I usually play Warzone in a window, and I like to keep that window
open and, for instance, talk in IM or browse the web while I wait for
tanks to be manufactured.  Right now, Warzone automatically pauses
when it does not have focus.  I propose one of two changes:

A. Make this functionality optional and store it in the configuration file
B. Only make Warzone pause on loss of focus when you are running it full-screen

Another idea I would like to see is more control of configuration
options from within the game.  The reason for this is that the Mac OS
X version does not have an easy way to provide command-line
parameters, particularly for resolution and full-screen/window
selection.  It would be nice to be able to change the game's
resolution and toggle windowed mode from within the game, even if it
requires restarting the program (automatically or manually) to take

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