URL: <http://gna.org/bugs/?11334>
Summary: multiplayer game sometimes freezes when someone is killed or leaves Project: Warzone Resurrection Project Submitted by: pabs Submitted on: Thursday 03/20/2008 at 17:49 Category: Engine: Netplay Severity: 3 - Normal Priority: 5 - Normal Status: None Assigned to: None Originator Email: Open/Closed: Open Discussion Lock: Any Release: 2.1_beta2 Operating System: GNU/Linux Planned Release: None _______________________________________________________ Details: <per> pabs3: it is a (to me) known issue. happens only occasionally, and is an infinite loop in the events system Here is a --enable-debug backtrace from pressing Ctrl+C when it was at 100% CPU during the freeze. (gdb) bt full #0 0x081bef7c in eventAddTrigger (psTrigger=0x9ff4530) at event.c:804 psCurr = (ACTIVE_TRIGGER *) 0x9fbf0e0 psPrev = (ACTIVE_TRIGGER *) 0x9fb38d8 testTime = 451 #1 0x081bfbb1 in eventFireCallbackTrigger (callback=56) at event.c:1096 psPrev = (ACTIVE_TRIGGER *) 0x9fba858 psCurr = (ACTIVE_TRIGGER *) 0x9ff4530 psNext = (ACTIVE_TRIGGER *) 0xa09e780 psTrigDat = (TRIGGER_DATA *) 0x9fe51fc fired = 1 __FUNCTION__ = "eventFireCallbackTrigger" __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "eventFireCallbackTrigger" #2 0x0816b898 in MultiPlayerLeave (dp=2) at multijoin.c:240 i = 5 buf = "KiBi has Left the [EMAIL PROTECTED]", '\0' <repeats 12 times>, "\b", '\0' <repeats 22 times>, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]@\201ŷ�r�\b�r�\bTV��V\002\000\000\000\000\000\000�\227��,\233\034\b\200o\225\b\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000V\002\000\000V\002\000\000\001\000\000"... #3 0x081ca02c in NETrecv (type=0xbff19897 "") at netplay.c:944 i = 2 pMsg = (NETMSG *) 0x8956f80 received = 0 size = 1 current = 2 #4 0x0816d95c in recvMessage () at multiplay.c:618 type = 0 '\0' #5 0x0816cda8 in multiPlayerLoop () at multiplay.c:261 i = 8 joinCount = 0 '\0' #6 0x080c8e7f in gameLoop () at loop.c:255 psCurr = (DROID *) 0x5b8d80 psNext = (DROID *) 0xb7e421be psCBuilding = (STRUCTURE *) 0x0 psNBuilding = (STRUCTURE *) 0x20 psCFeat = (FEATURE *) 0xb7e72ebb psNFeat = (FEATURE *) 0xb7e9d838 i = 3085555768 widgval = 0 quitting = 0 intRetVal = INT_NONE clearMode = 3 __FUNCTION__ = "gameLoop" __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "gameLoop" #7 0x080cae4f in runGameLoop () at main.c:655 No locals. #8 0x080cb1e1 in mainLoop () at main.c:828 event = {type = 1 '\001', active = {type = 1 '\001', gain = 0 '\0', state = 2 '\002'}, key = {type = 1 '\001', which = 0 '\0', state = 2 '\002', keysym = { scancode = 0 '\0', sym = SDLK_UNKNOWN, mod = KMOD_NONE, unicode = 0}}, motion = {type = 1 '\001', which = 0 '\0', state = 2 '\002', x = 0, y = 0, xrel = 0, yrel = 0}, button = {type = 1 '\001', which = 0 '\0', button = 2 '\002', state = 0 '\0', x = 0, y = 0}, jaxis = {type = 1 '\001', which = 0 '\0', axis = 2 '\002', value = 0}, jball = { ---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit--- type = 1 '\001', which = 0 '\0', ball = 2 '\002', xrel = 0, yrel = 0}, jhat = {type = 1 '\001', which = 0 '\0', hat = 2 '\002', value = 0 '\0'}, jbutton = {type = 1 '\001', which = 0 '\0', button = 2 '\002', state = 0 '\0'}, resize = {type = 1 '\001', w = 0, h = 0}, expose = {type = 1 '\001'}, quit = {type = 1 '\001'}, user = {type = 1 '\001', code = 0, data1 = 0x0, data2 = 0x0}, syswm = {type = 1 '\001', msg = 0x0}} #9 0x080cb5a2 in main (argc=1, argv=0xbff19a64) at main.c:965 No locals. #10 0xb7b16456 in __libc_start_main () from /lib/i686/cmov/libc.so.6 No symbol table info available. #11 0x0804db71 in _start () No symbol table info available. _______________________________________________________ Reply to this item at: <http://gna.org/bugs/?11334> _______________________________________________ Message sent via/by Gna! http://gna.org/ _______________________________________________ Warzone-dev mailing list Warzone-dev@gna.org https://mail.gna.org/listinfo/warzone-dev