On Tue, May 13, 2008 at 6:16 AM, Christian Vest Hansen
> On 5/13/08, bugs buggy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  > I am not sure why we don't have many mac users, but we really need to
>  >  test the netcode, and make sure it is working on all the platforms
>  >  that we support.
>  Perhaps we're too bussy playing with shiny gadgets and badmouthing
>  Vista in various social web sites while flaunting the superior
>  creativety of our inflated egos? ;)
>  >
>  >  We have tested windows (mainly XP people) & linux, but have yet to
>  >  find mac people that can test along with us.
>  >
>  >  For the lack of mac users, is it because nobody knows that this
>  >  version of warzone works for that platform, or is it because it is
>  >  difficult to get a working copy or just what exactly?
>  Might be. I prefer to get software from macports, a pre-build .dmg or
>  fink, in that order. I know Ari (or someone) is building .dmg files,
>  so for releases where .dmg files are available, I think this should be
>  good enough for those that want to try.
>  If none of these options are available, like when building from trunk
>  (I think?) it might be persieved as being difficult. Macports is a
>  bolted-on solution and doesn't have the same diversity in libraries
>  and what other dependencies one might need, so I think most mac users
>  don't bother compiling their own stuff (unless through macports).
>  That's how I think it is, but I don't know for sure.
>  >
>  >  Is it possible to get the game in Apple's repository (if they have
>  >  such a thing), like the linux distros or get the word out to more mac
>  >  people somehow?
>  Macports is a good bet for a repo: http://www.macports.org/ and
>  ofcouse, there's the official download section of apple.com:
>  http://www.apple.com/downloads/ but I hardly ever use that, though
>  alot of other people might. I don't know about that.
>  As for getting the word out; I have no idea. Post on digg when a new
>  release is out?
>  >
>  >  That was/is one of the goals for the 2.1 beta in the first place.
>  >

Here's a though:  Versiontracker.com.  It has Mac and Windows sections
and is very popular for Mac users at least.

I do indeed normally build a .dmg whenever there's a tagged release of
any form.  Right now, trunk won't build because Warzone suddenly
requires a newer version of Bison than OSX has and I am avoiding
having the build process depend on you having anything but OSX 10.4
and Xcode installed.  But when that's fixed (which will be within the
Xcode project just like all other dependencies of Warzone), it will be
the same as it's been since I converted to Xcode:  svn co url warzone
; cd warzone/macosx ; xcodebuild ; open build/Debug/Warzone.app

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