Am Donnerstag, 26. Juni 2008 14:52:36 schrieb Per Inge Mathisen:
> Hello,
> In bug report #11892, Dennis started a discussion about where we
> should track feature requests. I am moving the discussion here since
> the bug tracker is not an appropriate forum for this discussion.
> Quote:
> > Per: I encouraged treating feature requests like bugs when it comes to
> > tracking them. (a) I dont like to have a dozen trackers
> > (b) I dont remember feature requests for long
> > (c) I dont react on feature requests in the forums
> >
> > Explanation to (c): Most of the stuff posted on the forums is half baked
> > or pie in the sky and comes in often, repeatedly and in huge chunks. I
> > simply dont have the time to read through all that or even remember it a
> > week from now. When someone has an idea that went through a few other
> > users' minds (i.e. on the forums) and emerged from the states mentioned
> > above, I would like to get it reported in the tracker.
> > As I do not dislike the idea in general and there was no previous report,
> > I also think this was the right place for the request. (Though that might
> > have happened by accident, I do not know.)
> I am quite sure we have discussed this before, and we made a decision
> that we should not put feature requests in the bug tracker, because
> this would fill up the bug tracker and make it harder to find and sort
> bugs. (And I hope you agree that fixing bugs is more important than
> adding features.)
I think that is what priority:wish is for. :) You can iirc filter for 
And yes, I agree that there should no feature request popup in the bugtracker 
which are unrealistic.
Discuss with other users -> file a request. In that order.
There are also wrong or newbie bugreports, but the overall quality is 
acceptable. I think if we can make the discuss-first-report-later policy 
clear to the users, the same would work for feature requests.


PS: Just recognized you cannot filter for > or < or something like that... 
Will report that to Savanah and Gna staff.

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