Am Sonntag, 24. August 2008 23:12:18 schrieb Dennis Schridde:
> Am Sonntag, 24. August 2008 22:55:48 schrieb Per Inge Mathisen:
> > On Sun, Aug 24, 2008 at 5:42 PM, Giel van Schijndel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> > wrote:
> > >  * Change an ASSERT that checks calloc's return value into an if()
> > > block (we can also run out of memory on non-debug builds...)
> >
> > I am also rather mystified by this. When we fail to allocate memory
> > and do not handle it gently, the next thing that happens is inevitably
> > a crash when the null pointer is accessed. There is no reason to
> > ensure that a crash happens with a call to abort() - if we are not
> > going to attempt recovery, we just need to ensure that something is
> > written to the log in order to debug it. Adding a five line
> > conditional to every memory allocation is rather pointless and just
> > bloats the code.
> *Maybe* a real crash can corrupt something or is not always handled
> correctly?
> Aside of that I think we could add a out-of-memory "handler", or some more
> generic way of handling the most common errors.
> Why? So we can inform the user in a nicer manner than "application X was
> terminated in an unusual way". (Console output now, maybe error popup
> windows later.)
IRC-update, rather generic:
- Program "defensively", which means try to recover from errors (i.e. 
out-of-memory situations).
- Only assert there, not abort, so that a debug build will catch the error, 
but a release build can continue.
- Only do explicit handling of "extreme" situations (like out-of-memory) in 
certain situations which are particularly vulnerable.

An example was:
out-of-memory on map load
-> present a popup box "sorry, could not load map because we ran out of 
memory" and return to mainmenu.

Game start and map load were considered particularly interesting for such 
out-of-memory handling.


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