Hi all,

After taking a close look at the Trac post commit hook I discovered it
had some missing linefeeds ('\n') causing syntax errors, and in turn
causing it not to work.

So I fixed these problems and now when you commit Trac parses the commit
message as follows (to add notices to tickets):
> It searches commit messages for text in the form of:
>   command #1
>   command #1, #2
>   command #1 & #2 
>   command #1 and #2
> Instead of the short-hand syntax "#1", "ticket:1" can be used as well, e.g.:
>   command ticket:1
>   command ticket:1, ticket:2
>   command ticket:1 & ticket:2 
>   command ticket:1 and ticket:2
> In addition, the ':' character can be omitted and issue or bug can be used
> instead of ticket.
> You can have more then one command in a message. The following commands
> are supported. There is more then one spelling for each command, to make
> this as user-friendly as possible.
>   close, closed, closes, fix, fixed, fixes
>     The specified issue numbers are closed with the contents of this
>     commit message being added to it. 
>   references, refs, addresses, re, see 
>     The specified issue numbers are left in their current status, but 
>     the contents of this commit message are added to their notes. 
> A fairly complicated example of what you can do is with a commit message
> of:
>    Changed blah and foo to do this or that. Fixes #10 and #12, and refs #12.
> This will close #10 and #12, and add a note to #12.


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