On 2/8/09, Per Inge Mathisen <per.mathi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> This patch introduces the (currently unused) function bool
>  fpathCheck(Vector2i, Vector2i) that checks whether a path is
>  theoretically possible in O(1) time. It does this by doing lookups a
>  pre-calculated continents table that is created on map load using a
>  non-recursive flood fill algorithm. It is intended to be used in the
>  AI scripts to avoid attempting to send units where they cannot
>  possibly go, like sending tracked droids over water to another
>  continent. I am not sure how to add new script functions, so I'll need
>  some help with that from someone else.
>  Please give feedback. Sending it directly to the list since the
>  trac->list gateway is apparently down.
I noticed, if you use the CC field and point it to this ML, then trac
does e-mail the list, but it won't e-mail the list on new ticket
creation, as it did before.

As for your issue, I think you are making it much more complex than it
needs to be.
All current maps have the gateway system, and that is what the game
used before to determine where to send the units.

We could just fall back to that?

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