On Thursday, 28 May 2009 at  2:31, Zarel wrote:
> Do you have a good way of fixing the error? If you do, I welcome it.

[Wed May 27 2009] [20:27:10] <cybersphinx>      Hm. Making the truck template 
unchangeable (perhaps for player 0 only) should fix it as well, without 
compatibility problems.
[Wed May 27 2009] [20:30:36] <Buginator>        I guess we could also make a 
hardcoded template for the AI, and don't copy it in the first place...

New savegame revision, where the new scripts are saved in a new block. If that
doesn't exist, adapt the old scripts to the new format.

> Otherwise, I think this bugfix is more important than skirmish
> savegame compatibility (campaign savegames are fine).

See e.g. http://developer.wz2100.net/ticket/536 for a "victim" of this.  I
don't want to revert anything just to check if I can reproduce a bug (and this
was the first time I encountered this issue, so I wouldn't have known even what
to revert).

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