#1348: In game tech tree visualization
        Reporter:  Emdek <emd...@…>          |        Type:  enhancement
          Status:  new                       |    Priority:  minor      
       Milestone:  3.0                       |   Component:  other      
         Version:  unspecified               |    Keywords:             
Operating_system:  All/Non-Specific          |   Blockedby:             
        Blocking:                            |  
 It would be nice to have in game visualization of tech tree, as far as I
 remember there was similar feature in Earth 2150.
 It would help in selecting technologies to research first (especially when
 we have some of them to research) to create specific structure or vehicle

 It would be also to have in game information about structures
 possibilities, similar to these for vehicles in constructor.

 Yes, I know that these are available in guide but it is much more
 ergonomic and easier to discover them when having them also available
 through game menus.

Ticket URL: <http://developer.wz2100.net/ticket/1348>
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