#1351: Beta 2.3 Beta 5 crashes
        Reporter:  John Gnew <john.g...@…>            |        Type:  defect
          Status:  new                                |    Priority:  major 
       Milestone:  unspecified                        |   Component:  other 
         Version:  2.3 beta 5                         |    Keywords:        
Operating_system:  GNU/Linux                          |   Blockedby:        
        Blocking:                                     |  
 I am running Ubuntu 9.10
 uname -a
 Linux john-Ubuntu 2.6.31-16-generic #53-Ubuntu SMP Tue Dec 8 04:01:29 UTC
 2009 i686 GNU/Linux

 I am also loading a saved file. Not doing anything other than playing the

 j...@john-ubuntu:/mnt/Data/myhome/john$ bt_audio_service_open: connect()
 failed: Connection refused (111)
 bt_audio_service_open: connect() failed: Connection refused (111)
 bt_audio_service_open: connect() failed: Connection refused (111)
 bt_audio_service_open: connect() failed: Connection refused (111)
 info    |12:21:08: [rebuildSearchPath] * Failed to remove path
 /mnt/Data/myhome/john/.warzone2100-2.3/ again
 info    |12:21:08: [rebuildSearchPath] * Failed to remove path
 /usr/local/data/ again
 info    |12:21:08: [rebuildSearchPath] * Failed to remove path
 /usr/local/share/warzone2100/ again
 info    |12:23:09: [rebuildSearchPath] * Failed to remove path
 /usr/local/data/ again
 info    |12:23:09: [rebuildSearchPath] * Failed to remove path
 /usr/local/share/warzone2100/ again
 error   |12:23:13: [map_Height] map_Height: y value is too big
 error   |12:23:13: [map_Height] Assert in Warzone: map.c:1177 (y <
 world_coord(mapHeight)), last script event: 'N/A'
 error   |12:28:35: [mapTile] x coordinate 83 bigger than map width 64
 error   |12:28:35: [mapTile] Assert in Warzone: map.h:277 (x < mapWidth),
 last script event: 'N/A'
 Saved dump file to '/tmp/warzone2100.gdmp-NvMe0c'
 If you create a bugreport regarding this crash, please include this file.

Ticket URL: <http://developer.wz2100.net/ticket/1351>
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