#1353: Crash after recovery of non-fatal crash
        Reporter:  natbob1           |        Type:  defect
          Status:  new               |    Priority:  minor 
       Milestone:  unspecified       |   Component:  other 
         Version:  2.3 beta 5        |    Keywords:        
Operating_system:  All/Non-Specific  |   Blockedby:        
        Blocking:                    |  
 After trying to load a saved skirmish game that was an old version, you
 are greeted with a message box which says that you can't load it and that
 you have been taken back to the main menu.  After trying to load another
 corrupted file or attempting to start another skirmish game the game
 crashes (fatally.)  Perhaps making the initial crash fatal itself would
 solve this problem.

Ticket URL: <http://developer.wz2100.net/ticket/1353>
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