#1360: 2.3 beta 6 network code is worse than beta 4
        Reporter:  4...@…                       |        Type:  bug  
          Status:  new                         |    Priority:  major
       Milestone:  unspecified                 |   Component:  other
         Version:  unspecified                 |    Keywords:       
Operating_system:  All/Non-Specific            |   Blockedby:       
        Blocking:                              |  
 I dunno what you dudes did, but beta 4 network code had less errors.
 In playing a full lan game on the prebuilt 2.3b6 since we can't build it
 ourselves with microsoft visual studio 8, we are getting lots more units
 exploding for no reason that we can tell.  They were in a firefight then
 strange things happen.  Health bar is like a yo-yo, units that explode on
 one screen are still alive on the other, units don't end up in same
 position either.
 We tried 3 games now and it does it on all 3 games.

 The changelog says  Fix: Sync improvements. (r8975).
 Is that the issue?

 This is with a 8 player lan game using map Clover, T3 difficulty.

Ticket URL: <http://developer.wz2100.net/ticket/1360>
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