#1373: Garbled Sound
        Reporter:  Macster            |        Type:  bug                       
          Status:  new                |    Priority:  minor                     
       Milestone:  unspecified        |   Component:  Engine: Sound             
         Version:  2.3 beta 6         |    Keywords:  Garbled Sound in single 
Operating_system:  Microsoft Windows  |   Blockedby:                            
        Blocking:                     |  
 I was just wondering if somebody has figured out a way to ungarble or get
 the sound to not studder in single player missions?  Sound is fine during
 the initial game boot and multiplayer portion of the game, but not during
 the single player missions. When I first started this game after I had
 done my last OS reload, sound played fine (no garble or studdering). But
 for some reason it is doing it now.  I have tried to roll back Media
 player to 9.0 from 11, but I still get the same result.  I was just
 wondering if perhaps there is some bit that gets set somewhere in the
 single play missions, but doesn't reset until the player has reached a
 certain level in the game? Cause this is what seem to happened.  I am
 trying to locate extactly what happened to cause this. I really don't want
 to have to do another OS reload to find out. Is there some way of
 resetting this bit?

 Some other things I have tried, I have redownload the seguences from your
 server but still end up with the same result.

 I have attached my dxdiag for you examinations.

Ticket URL: <http://developer.wz2100.net/ticket/1373>
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