#1393: Incendiary fire appears in the wrong place if the projectile hits terrain
 Reporter:  Mysteryem  |              Owner:                  
     Type:  bug        |             Status:  new             
 Priority:  trivial    |          Milestone:  unspecified     
Component:  other      |            Version:  unspecified     
 Keywords:             |   Operating_system:  All/Non-Specific
Blockedby:             |           Blocking:                  
 If an incendiary indirect weapon's projectile hits terrain (e.g. a cliff
 tile) instead of what it was aiming for the area of fire that covers tiles
 when an incendiary weapon hits is still shown where it should've hit.
 (only causes damage where the projectile hit, it usually damages itself
 since it's difficult to get indirect weapons to hit terrain.

 How to repeat, find a tall cliff (c) build an incendiary mortar pit or
 howitzer emplacement (i) on one side adjacent to it, make sure there are
 enemies (e) on the other side. You may need to build a sensor tower (s)
 nearby so that the indirect weapon can see the other side of the cliff.


 I'll see if I can get pictures and possibly a savegame tommorow.

Ticket URL: <http://developer.wz2100.net/ticket/1393>
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