C yp wrote:
> *2.3*:
> Also, if noone complains, I intend to commit unicode, raytrace and
> retarget to 2.3.
> Unicode does what you would expect. (You can write in whatever language
> you want, in-game.)
> Raytrace makes projectiles have better collision detection, which is
> less dependent on who has the best graphics card.
> Retarget makes things look for new targets when a target is doomed,
> instead of only once the target is dead.
We already have _7_ Betas for 2.3 and adding new stuff will take even longer for
a final 2.3 to be released. :/ Seriously, at some point we need to make a cut
and say: "No new features, only bug-fixes." If we go on with this way
(continuously adding new features) we will probably never leave the beta state
as there will always be somebody with cool new code that we should put into 2.3.

Please don't take this personal, I haven't looked at the code at all~ Please
take this as "someone complains".

- Kreuvf

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