Adcha Howard wrote:
> Concerning r9073

Apologies for not replying earlier, but the server downtime also
affected my usual mailing-list e-mail address. It's still not
available yet, so I'm currently posting from an alternate e-mail

> I don't really understand why there needs to be a cap; maybe memory 
> optimisation, I don't
> know. Personally for me however, it does upset some of the gameplay in long 
> games on
> big maps, with friends or with computer players. I've stockpiled more than 
> 150k of oil in
> previous versions of the game.

The cap is necessary because there could be a few overflow bugs that
occur if power gets too high.

The cap is discussed on the forum here:

It was set to 100,000 because it's a good compromise - it _seems_ low
enough to encourage players not to stockpile too much (which is
terrible strategy in competitive multiplayer). However, it only
creates the illusion of affecting gameplay - no one who reaches 100k
oil will actually be able to spend it all, anyway. For instance, that
time you stockpiled more than 150k of oil - did you actually spend
down to below 50k? You need a ton of oil derricks to get above 100k,
anyway - enough to support maximum production without much difficulty.
Well, unless you're cheating (and letting the game run in the
background while power accrues is effectively cheating), in which case
you have "whale fin".

> While this may not be a standard way of playing, and although I am a hopeless
> turtler-hoarder (who enjoys variety with cheats), don't you think you should 
> at least leave
> the game accessible to the preferences of its existing userbase, if not 
> looking for ways to
> expand it?

It's best for the power cap not to be configurable - more
configuration usually results in more bugs (several times more
configurations to test, as well as necessity for a multiplayer
protocol to send those configurations over) and more confusion when
playing multiplayer about just what the configurations are. If you
truly need configuration, recompiling will suffice - this will prevent
casual users from reconfiguring and experiencing problems in


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