#1498: everybody plays for himself
        Reporter:  truckspin         |        Type:  bug     
          Status:  new               |    Priority:  critical
       Milestone:  2.3               |   Component:  other   
         Version:  2.3 beta 9        |    Keywords:          
Operating_system:  All/Non-Specific  |   Blockedby:          
        Blocking:                    |  
 Since one of the 2.3 betaX (6? 7?), it happens often that everybody ends
 up in his own "reality". Everybody else freezes instantly, research from
 teammates is no longer transferred etc. Strange thing is, chat is still
 possible, and it is still possible to see the last built unit of others
 (in the team menu). The HOST cannot read chat though, only write. Others
 can certainly read the host's messages; not sure about other directions.

 Right before the situation occurs, the host freezes for a while, like 30

 Happens in about 1 out of 10 games.

Ticket URL: <http://developer.wz2100.net/ticket/1498>
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