This was sitting in my inbox, and I thought it could help our userbase
with their PulseAudio issues.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Chris Robinson <>
Date: Jan 17, 2010 10:25 PM
Subject: [Openal-devel] OpenAL Soft 1.11.753 released!

New version is up and ready:

 This release fixes compatibility with PulseAudio 0.9.21, and makes PulseAudio
 the default backend (if PA is not available, it will still fall back to ALSA,
 OSS, etc). The PulseAudio backend will also attempt to match an output format
 and frequency as reported by the default sink, if an override was not set in
 the config file (so if Pulse is configured for 5.1 output, OpenAL Soft will
 automatically pick that up and render 5.1; no extra configuration needed).

 The crash with the echo effect is fixed, and reverb has been improved. It now
 supports the Modulation and Echo properties. Multi-channel sources are also
 passed through the auxiliary sends, as a mono mix, so they will work with
 auxiliary slot effects.

 There is also a new head-dampening config option, which slightly filters
 sources emanating behind the listener, for mono and stereo output. It also
 supports the AL_EXT_source_distance_model extension, as described here
 Additionally, there is a new config option to select between 3 resamplers:
 nearest (no interpolation), linear (default), and cosine.

 The next version will hopefully see more of the experimental extensions
 completed, better resamplers (such as cubic), and more. I'll also try to get
 out more frequent releases if major issues turn up.

 Thanks for looking! Please feel free to try it out, and let me know how it
 works for you. :)

 - Chris
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