#1671: This patch enables smoother zoom. (not "jerky" like svn/trunk etc)
        Reporter:  bornemix          |        Type:  patch      
          Status:  new               |    Priority:  major      
       Milestone:  unspecified       |   Component:  Engine: GUI
         Version:  svn/trunk         |    Keywords:             
Operating_system:  All/Non-Specific  |   Blockedby:             
        Blocking:                    |  
 As we all know, look and feel in a game is just as important as the game

 Smooth zooming have been in games for years, from Ground Control to
 Warhammer, so this should be a welcome patch.

 It also affects the zooming made by pressing +/- on the numpad.

 I raised the priority because the patch makes a big impression compared to
 its size.

Ticket URL: <http://developer.wz2100.net/ticket/1671>
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