#1761: Individual unit slow-down
        Reporter:  johnnyspamgu...@…            |        Type:  bug          
          Status:  new                          |    Priority:  minor        
       Milestone:  unspecified                  |   Component:  Engine: other
         Version:  2.2.4                        |    Keywords:               
Operating_system:  Microsoft Windows            |   Blockedby:               
        Blocking:                               |  
 I find that sometimes when a unit gets into trouble when trying to move
 somewhere (ends up crawling along a wall or playing bumper-cars in a group
 of other units) that it's actual speed drops right down. For example a
 hover vehicle ends up having it's speed reduced to a fraction of the speed
 of a tracked vehicle.

 Even when it gets clear of the obstacles, it's speed remains at a crawl.
 Other units are still moving at their normal speed and the slow unit is
 responsive to new orders, but it's movement speed is greatly reduced.

 Sometimes when this happens, the units will return to normal speed if you
 send it in a certain direction (i.e. south) but as soon as you order it in
 any other direction then it slows back down again. This happens even when
 the slow unit has moved into a flat open area with no obstacles, no other
 units nearby and ordered to move to a spot a couple of vehicle-lengths

 Being in a group assigned to a commander seems to increase the frequency
 of this happening, to the point where I find using commanders detrimental.

Ticket URL: <http://developer.wz2100.net/ticket/1761>
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