Mystery Mayhem wrote:
> Following on from I 
> suggest adding Bufferzone and Reconn and maybe Grindstone if not much other 
> community made music is wanted by the community. What do you guys think?
Generally I am against including new music.

Reason 1: Download size will increase. And don't tell me this is not an issue.
Reason 2: When we begin to take track A from artist a we soon end up with
artists b, c, d and e asking us why tracks B, C, D and E are not in there as
well, although the community wants it. Actually, I don't care if that "is wanted
by the community", because "the community" always wants new stuff to be
included. It's the same thing as asking a child if it wants more presents on
Christmas or not. Or asking the tax-payers if taxes should be reduced or not.
Those who want it can download it separately. Period.

- Kreuvf

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