On Sun, Jul 4, 2010 at 11:00 PM, Guangcong Luo <za...@wz2100.net> wrote:
> First: I believe that incrementing netcode version in a stable branch
> is a big thing. I think that incrementing netcode version should
> always be mentioned in the commit log (no matter which branch), and if
> done to a stable branch, should be brought up in at least the ML. In
> addition, patches that break netcode compatibility should note this in
> the tracker. Can we agree to make this policy?

I thought we had already agreed that we break netcode compatibility
with each release to be on the safe side. The problem is that every
small game-play affecting code deviation between versions will cause
out of sync issues. For 2.3 this may drown out in the noise of other
sources of out-of-sync-ness, but every source counts, and when newnet
hits the streets, this will be absolutely essential.

I do not think that requiring people to use the same versions to play
together is a big deal. All other games that I know of do this

For example, changing how fire damage works definitely should count as
breaking netcode compatibility.

  - Per

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