Guangcong Luo wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 2, 2010 at 8:45 AM, Stephen Swaney <> wrote:
>> This is just silly, especially in light of OSX being such a minor
>> platform.
> Dude, you use Linux, a platform with a sixth the marketshare of OS X.
Market share? Comparing market share is pretty useless here. While you usually
get your GNU/Linux for free, you have to pay (too much IMHO ;X) for your OS X
(and its SPs^H^H^H new versions), so this metric is extremely biased towards OS
X. So, please stop using these numbers (I trust you that you did not make them
up :D).

But to think a little further: Even if OS X was the mainly used operating system
we would still lack developers that can push out a release for that platform at
any time.

IMHO we should just release when it is release day (for every release, not only
RCs) and create the missing stuff asap. That might wake the urge in some
community members to try releasing stuff for their beloved platform, generally
speaking. We are no big company, we do not have customers and therefore we do
not need to fucking try to make everyone happy. Actually, I find not-releasing
the more severe option: You delay a finished product people could already enjoy
playing (and probably report problems for) because of a minority among the
users. Or in other words: The majority suffers from the minority. And I would
not even understand it the other way around: Why should not a minority get their
stuff already, if we cannot push out stuff for the majority yet? Why should a
minority suffer from our inability? For the illusion of being professional?
Please not!

- Kreuvf

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