We need to discuss how to make the terrain code a bit more sane. The
current mess is unmaintainable. I do not have a clear idea about the
issue that Buginator found, so I hope that he can write a bit about
those. I will focus on the conversion issue.

Currently the old (current) map format is loaded, then converted on
load using conversion tables in data/base/tileset into lookups into
the old terrain tile directories to find decals, and into texpage
directory to find the new terrain tiles. Most of the tiles in the old
terrain tile directories are now unused, but not removed, just taking
up space. Some of the old terrain tiles are converted into decals,
with alpha blending added to the tile, and these are chaotically
interspersed with the old, unmodified and unused tile files. Nor can
the old files merely be removed, since that would break the loader,
and if simply renumbered, would break the conversion tables. So there
is some work here.

What I suggest we do is simply make a clean break. I can modify the
mapconv utility I made to break up the game.map file into five, tiny
grayscale png files containing terrain map (value + some constant =>
texture index), height map, rotation map, flip map and decal map. The
utility will do the job of breaking down the current map format using
conversion tables, so we can take those out of the game. Then I can
run the mapconv utility on all current maps and commit those. Perhaps
we can even run the utility over all maps in addons, to generate
master-compatible addons. Perhaps also make a Windows app out of
mapconv to help people convert. Once this is done, the current
hard-coded distinction between arizona, rockies and urban will be
gone, and their tiles and decals can be used interchangeably.

We should also add to the list of decals the delivery points and the
VTOL rearm pad. This will make them be drawn properly aligned with the
terrain (and remove one more case of the awful manual vertex
flattening that is preventing us from using VBOs).

If you have other opinions and information about the terrain renderer,
please add them in comment.

  - Per

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