#340: Sensors and Jammers
        Reporter:  Per                           |       Owner:  Per
            Type:  patch (an actual patch, not   |      Status:  accepted
  a request for one)                             |   Milestone:  3.0
        Priority:  normal                        |     Version:  git/master
       Component:  Engine: other                 |    Keywords:  ecm sensor
      Resolution:                                |  Blocked By:
Operating System:  All/Non-Specific              |
        Blocking:                                |

Comment (by JustLooking2):

 I don't think visualization of ECM should be optional behind a hotkey,
 imho this is not optional information, but rather important one.

 What floats around in my mind about the visuals is that snow storm picture
 you get on analog television sets when there's bad reception. Something
 like this for the fog of war, if this is even possible with the engine. It
 will likely need some tweaking to find a balance between clarity (ie.
 "What's happening?" think new players, it has to be clear it's intentional
 and not a bug) and annoyance/distraction from gameplay (ie. we're upset
 already there's someone hiding, no need to add insult to injury by making
 people suffer an epileptic shock).

 Also I think it's important that it should not be possible to see which
 player is hiding, unless in LoS of a unit/building (command center
 probably can look further than a repair tower, but that's something else

 I only glanced at the forum and hope I didn't miss a discussion there. I
 just wanted to throw in my 2 cents.

Ticket URL: <http://developer.wz2100.net/ticket/340#comment:23>
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