#2463: Connection Error on same IP joining?
        Reporter:  Shesiressu        |        Type:  bug
          Status:  new               |    Priority:  major
       Milestone:  3.0               |   Component:  other
         Version:  master_20110127   |    Keywords:
Operating System:  All/Non-Specific  |  Blocked By:
        Blocking:                    |

 I really want to play together with my brother. He plays on a Laptop and
 me on a normal Computer in the same home.
 But the problem is, always if we open a multiplayer-game with 2 players he
 get's a Connection Error ... but only in the rooms when i or my brother
 opens a room.

 If others open a room there is no error.

 I hope you can fix that problem, we finally found a really nice game but
 it doesn't work on same IP's ...

 P.S Here are example IPs of us:

 My brother: ***.***.0.103
 Me: ***.***.0.104

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