#2469: Commander research/upgrades do nothing
        Reporter:  ClockWork  |        Type:  bug
          Status:  new        |    Priority:  normal
       Milestone:  2.3.x      |   Component:  Data: Stats
         Version:  2.3.7      |    Keywords:  Commander, upgrades, research
Operating System:  Windows    |  Blocked By:
  Vista                       |
        Blocking:             |
 Commander turrets do not get the proper upgrades when researching the
 commander upgrades. Prior to completing a commander research, I created a
 commander, looking at its stats. Once the research was completed, I
 created a new commander via the “Design your tank” tab. There was no
 increase in body points, damage, or firing range.

Ticket URL: <http://developer.wz2100.net/ticket/2469>
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