#2493: Mortars firing into the ground
        Reporter:  wz@…             |        Type:  bug
          Status:  new              |    Priority:  normal
       Milestone:  2.3.x            |   Component:  other
         Version:  2.3.7            |    Keywords:
Operating System:  GNU/Linux 64bit  |  Blocked By:
        Blocking:                   |
 Perhaps this is related to #2151, but I still consider it a bug when
 indirect weapons fire into the ground on the same level. If you place a
 mortar on top of a mesa, and there is target detected in a canyon nearby,
 the mortar shoud either fire i a high arc, or not fire at at all.

Ticket URL: <http://developer.wz2100.net/ticket/2493>
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