#2512: [master_20110228] truck gets stuck for no reason, does not move
        Reporter:          |        Type:  bug
  Asgorath                 |    Priority:  normal
          Status:  new     |   Component:  other
       Milestone:          |    Keywords:  truck not moving master 20110228
  unspecified              |  Blocked By:
         Version:          |
  master_20110228          |
Operating System:          |
  Windows 7                |
        Blocking:          |
 I was playing a skirmish-game on Sk-SandCastles-T1 against seven nexus-
 AI´s on medium difficulty.
 While playing one of my trucks can´t be moved any longer and there are no
 notable barriers that may adherence it.
 I gave him the order to build two MG-Towers but after the first one he
 stopped and can´t be moved any more.
 Saving and loading the savegame didn´t help.

Ticket URL: <http://developer.wz2100.net/ticket/2512>
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