On 3/30/11, Per Inge Mathisen <per.mathi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The QtScript branch (perim/qtscript) now has a working implementation
> of javascript for scavengers. The old scripting system runs fine side
> by side with it. Saving and loading works as well. The code should be
> short and easy to understand, but I have been writing it incrementally
> by myself, so it is inevitable that I have overlooked obvious things
> that ought to have been documented or explained better. Or have added
> bugs alongside features. Or made really poor API choices. The latter
> is perhaps the least worrisome. If the merger is approved and
> completed, I will start explaining and documenting the new javascript
> API on the forums, and take suggestions for improvements, as it is
> fleshed out.
> I would like for someone to review the changes in the branch, if possible.
> I would also like to merge it into the qt branch very soon. Any
> objections to this should be voiced now.

If you think it is ready, and the old scripts still work as before,
then I have no real objections.
Will this always be the case though ?  Will the old scripts still be
supported after  Qtscript is finished ?
Are we going to offer some kind of conversion utility ?

As for code review, we need more hours in the day. :(

On 3/30/11, dak180 <dak...@users.sourceforge.net> wrote:
> Instead of deleting or freezing lua as a tag, after having talked it over
> with cybersphinx on irc I think that we should move dead branches to a clone
> on sf.net set aside for this purpose.
> I would suggest something based upon "attic" or "graveyard" for the name.

What would be the point of this ?  Even if you "delete" lua, it is
still in the repo, so we can just do what we do with all the other
branches that are done/not-used/experiment-that-failed.  Tag them, and
then do :branch-name

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