#2610: Fix map-mod support
  Reporter:  Zarel                               |             Owner:
      Type:  patch (an actual patch, not a       |            Status:  new
  request for one)                               |         Milestone:
  Priority:  major                               |  unspecified
 Component:  Engine: Resource Management         |           Version:
  Keywords:  map mod map-mod                     |  git/master
Blocked By:                                      |  Operating System:  All
                                                 |  /Non-Specific
                                                 |          Blocking:
 As we all know, one of the biggest annoyances in Warzone are map-mods.

 When a mod is bundled inside a map, the map loader will load the mod
 automatically and apply it to all your maps, not just the map in the map-
 mod. This means that if you install a map-mod as a map, the mod will be
 automatically loaded.

 Since the mod will be loaded by the map loader and not the mod loader, the
 multiplayer game system will detect it as a cheat and kick you out of
 multiplayer games if you have a map-mod.

 In short:

 * If you have a map-mod, it is impossible to play a skirmish game without
 the mod, unless you uninstall the map-mod.
 * If you have a map-mod, it is impossible to play a multiplayer game on a
 map other than the map-mod.

 Maps can be installed automatically by joining a game hosted with it, so
 simply clicking on a game in the lobby is enough to prevent you from
 playing all other multiplayer games unless you know how to uninstall a

 This patch fixes both these problems. As a side-effect, it is now possible
 to bundle a mod inside a map. So now Warzone support maps with custom
 tilesets, and all those other things. And you can test mods by bundling
 them inside a map and hosting it, no need to tell your testers to download
 your mod anymore!

 Since the current broken handling of map-mods can lead to crashes that my
 patch fixes, I'm setting priority to major, and recommending that this
 patch be backported to 2.3-branch.

 The patch is here:


Ticket URL: <http://developer.wz2100.net/ticket/2610>
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