#2907: Selecting a unit and then alt + clicking itself will cause it to heal all
the way.
        Reporter:  macuser           |        Type:  bug
          Status:  new               |    Priority:  normal
       Milestone:  unspecified       |   Component:  other
         Version:  2.3.8             |    Keywords:  Bug alt heal health
Operating System:  All/Non-Specific  |  Blocked By:
        Blocking:                    |
 Once a unit is standing still and doing nothing, If it is damaged, alt +
 clicking on it will cause it's heath to go to 100%.

 Note: this may only work if auto repair is researched. I haven't tried it
 without yet.

 I can upload a screen-movie if you would like.

Ticket URL: <http://developer.wz2100.net/ticket/2907>
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