#4846: Don't know how to Install (Just unarchived Warzone 2100)
        Reporter:  Malikia Garandar  |      Owner:
            Type:  bug               |     Status:  new
        Priority:  normal            |  Milestone:  unspecified
       Component:  other             |    Version:  3.2.3
Operating System:  GNU/Linux 32bit   |
 I recently came into possession of a laptop and put linux on here. The
 first thing I do is download this game from Muon package manager. As usual
 the game they have is out of date. So I try to download the package on
 SourceForge and my computer unarchives it, and now have no idea what to
 do. I couldn't find a single article to help me out on the web. The folder
 it came in gave me no clues.

Ticket URL: <http://developer.wz2100.net/ticket/4846>
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