
I am having problem while using the values from one page to next page

Here are the commands I am using to get the values from the table and
putting it to a variable
puts ie.frame("rightFrame").table(:id,"TableView")[1][2]
tempValue = ie.frame("rightFrame").table(:id,"TableView")[1][2]
puts tempValue

here I am able to see the values with the help of puts...


After this I am navigating the next page where I have to fill the
value from tempValue but when I am trying to use the tempValues on the
next page then Watir is not able to recognize the variable...

The way I am trying to use the values shown below-
ie.text_field(:name, "autoGenId").value = tempValue # "autoGenId" is
the auto generated id for the user

And below I got to know from the earlier threads...
ie.text_field(:name, "autoGenId").set(*tempValue .to_s*) #
"tempValue" is the auto generated id for the user

Both are not working for me. :-(

Please help here.


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