In these cases I execute command in another thread. If anybody suggest
another usefull method I will be happy :) . Try this:

thr = {
   ie.goto  "javascript:OpenPage();"
sleep(3) #time to wait of javascript popup

puts ie.modal_dialog.html # now must gets here

On 10 дек, 06:42, Sean <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello All --
> I'm trying to launch a modal dialog using the following code. I
> believe I have to tell the goto to not wait for the page to finish
> loading but I cant find out how.  if it was a button, I could use
> click_no_wait. Is there a goto_no_wait or a way I can tell Watir to
> not wait.  Thanks in advance.
> ie =
> loginURL = "login.aspx"
> puts "Opening login page (#{loginURL}) ... "
> ie.goto loginURL
> Watir::Waiter::wait_until {ie.text_field(:name, "txtUser").exists?}
> ie.text_field(:name, "txtUser").set username
> ie.text_field(:name, "txtPassword").set password
> ie.button(:name, "cmdLogin").click
> ie.goto  "javascript:OpenPage();"
> puts ie.modal_dialog.html # never gets here
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